So, I am certain that you all are ever so anxious to hear about our YMCA workout adventures.... I know you will be. Hey free laughs at my expense, why not? So, here I give you part one AND part two of the crazy workout adventures of DarlaLOU.
Thursday Dec 28, 2006 PART 1
OK, this 'out of shape monkey' had quite the experience tonight.... wanna good laugh, yea, go on and read it all.
So, one of my BIG excitements about joining the YMCA was being able to get involved in the Spinning classes....(if you don't know, this is a stationary bike with a heavy weighted wheel type system). I have always loved to bike, and this would be a huge goal for me to get into this spinning and really excel. So, the past 2 days I have been trying to sneak into the spinning room when no one was there to give it a feel. Try out the bike, just kind of test myself, see if I can even hoist my big ol' bootie up there.
Tonight I did just that. (there was one guy in there stretching out on the floor, no biggie) This is where it gets funny.
So, I shift one foot into the pedal strap, swing my other leg up and over and secrue it into the other strap and OYE! up the middle of my butt crack the pointed, skinny, hard seat! I hollar at dh who is standing there looking rather humored, he comes over and proceeds to LOWER the seat while I am still all strapped into these pedal contraptions. Ahhhhh much better, lower seat, still hard, still pointed and still poking up my cheeks, but without the force as abovementioned. OK that is better. So, I sit my (scratch that) I b a l a n c e my butt up there on that hard, pointed, skinny thing they call a seat, and start to problem. Feels good. (aside from the seat situation which at this point is getting REALLY uncomfy ) . So, then I decided to see what happens when you move to the standing position (like they do in classes) so I stand up, pedal some more, get that heavy weighted wheel a spinning hard and fast and then I proceed to sit back down. BAD MOVE DARLA. When you get the wheel going, it REALLLLY gets going, and the gravity of it keeps the pedals a pumpin' at a pretty rapid when you sit down and TRY to slow your pedaling, well, it don't work simply because the wheel just keeps on a going at the same speed. What does that do? Well, that YANKS one of yer' feet OUT of the foot strap thing and then basically throws the other leg/foot (that is still strapped in) into that hyperspeed the wheel is still going. You can stop laughing now.
So, I finally get the still strapped in foot to come to a halt and all but fall off the (*&^% bike and very HUMBLED I walk out of the spinning room. Yes girls, I more or less crashed and burned on a STATIONARY BIKE tonight.
BUT now I know how it works (sorta) and I WILL BE BACK and I will try it again and this time I will make sure that no one is watching........especially NOT dh!
Friday Dec 29, 2006 PART 2
I DID IT! I endured the nasty seat on the spinning bike today and managed to pull off a WHOLE 10 MINUTES on that sucker! Yes, I am sore, and yes, the godforsaken thing wedged it's honory self right up there into my unmentionables but I toughed it out and did a good steady 10 minutes on that SOB! HA who is the chump now?! hee hee (ok, yes, it is me still...)