So, a couple of years ago my sister got this cute teeny tiny little pup of a thing (looked like a yorkie terrier) and named him FIGARO (like the music, Feeeeeegaroh! LOL) Now, here it is a couple yrs later and Figo the dog/mut is quite the king on his castle. Now, my sister and her family are dog lovers. They also have 2 HUGE German Shepherd dogs, Gonzo and Lady, and then there is lil' Figo the mut. WHO rules the roost? Who nips and nags and yappy yaps at the big dogs? WHO gets HIS food or snack or treat first? WHO gets to rid in Momma's Mercedes? And you can only imagine who eats up his kibble snacks then taunts the other dogs for theirs?? LOL Love this lil' mutley doggie.
CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I just realized out of the clear blue skies today that Christmas is coming in like a MONTH! Granted, I still have to make it through Thanksgiving, but hey, CHRISTMAS IS COMING! I have ONE gift sort of put together, that is it. I am making lists and starting to consider who and what and where...... but honestly, I am so not ready. OH and on top of all this sudden "realization" I also almost forgot I am "hostessing" a family get together here on Dec 10 as well. OYE!
Happy Holidays Anyone?
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