Monday, February 27, 2006

Who STOLE February and WHAT the hell happened to January too?

GOOD MERCY! I just realized that tommorrow is the LAST DAY of Feb?! WHERE DID IT GO? I am totally serious... this new year is literally FLYING by us! Gadzooks! I have, in the past TWO MONTHS TIME, had 2 kids birthdays, moved to a new home, gotten my minivan fixed, celebrated a New Year and Valentines, switched my schedule flip x3 and moved my kids to a new school...oh, and a new Church and new neighborhood! HOW did all this happen and I sit here feeling like I "MISSED" two months?? OMGosh... I AM getting old, aren't I?

Things are settling down for us, finally. I will admit, our garage at the new house is literally bulging with boxes of STUFF to go through...sort, purge, dump, sell, something...but they cannot live in the garage. Nope. No garage monsters for us here! Poor DH WILL have his garage {aka: Man-Space} before the flowers bloom!

Well, it is one of those "manic mondays" around here so I am off to shower and freshen up before visitors arrive and then I am back to cleaning, laundry, taxi and so forth! Well wishes to you my friends who ever so faithfully 'check in' here to read about my boring busy life! KISSES!


Tuesday, February 21, 2006

HOME sweeeeeeeet HOME!

Well, we have made it. The transition is final, move is done. I finish the final cleaning of the old house today and I will never have to go back! YES! 10 points for the good guys! hee hee

Honestly, I sitll have oodles of work to do as our garage HERE at the new house is bulging at the seams now with odds n ends and who knows what that needs to be saved, trashed, sold or otherwise disposed of! Lots to do and I cannot let it go because at SOME point (soon I am afraid) dear hubby Ed is thinking he wants HIS garage space for HIS things (GEESH! MEN!) so all these boxes and so forth HAVE to be sorted and dealt with. We plan to have a HUGE yard sale in a few weeks once it warms up and that will get rid of TONS of stuff... stove, dressers, clothes, toys, ect. We normally just drop it all off at the thrift shops as donation but felt we could do a bit of planning and make a small profit so why not do it?!

SPRING is soooo not coming soon enough for me. I am so sick of COLD and wet and COLD and snow and ice and slush and all that IDAHO stuff! I am ready to yard sale and mow lawn and weed flowers and plant veggies. I am ready to play in teh backyard and use our new patio set and have backyard bbq's. I am ready for kids and koolaid and bikes. I am ready for family to come for SOCCER! I just can't get SPRING here soon enough! C'mon Idaho, bring it on!!

OK well, time to get busy on my day. House, laundry, errands, ya know, a Mom's life!? :O)

Blessings until next time and may the SUN SHINE ON YOU! Darla

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


WOW! What a crazy last few weeks we have had! Amongst other things, I have been offline from my cyber buddies for about 2 weeks now and it has been lonesome to say the least! Well, I am back! DH got the networking all set up and finalized tonight and I officially am sitting at my OWN desk with my OWN puter and my OWN keyboard and my OWN mousie mouse! HOORAY! Now the big project insues...setting up my scrappy area! I do not know HOW ON GOD'S GREEN EARTH I am going to get all this STUFF into one storage closet, but I am sure I will pull it off! ROTFLMAO So, anyway, I am back.


Thursday, February 09, 2006



I can say that I never, EVER want to move again in my life! ACK! I am so sick of boxes and cleaning and boxes and trash and so on... worn out I am! We STILL have not completed the move however, we have a whole BUNCH of stuff at the old house that HAS to be done by this weekend (including cleaning) and then I still have a garage full of boxes to unpack and go through at the new house too! What a HUGE undertaking this all was. Thank God for a teenage son who not only is a GREAT helper but also a GOOD kid with LOTS OF BIG MUSCLES! Yeahhh Christopher! I luv ya son!

OK well, figured a quick update here was in order...probably still won't be "back" for a few more days, or a week. Don't miss me too much!

Huggie Huggie Kissie Kissie! xoxo me