Sunday, December 17, 2006

Getting in the SPIRIT of Christmas

Well, I must admit, with everything going so haywire this year, I have not been in much of a Christmas mood. On top of the things going on with family, health and busy schedules, housework, chores and taxi-ing everyone... we have NO SNOW here in Idaho Falls! UNREAL? yes. it is. Here we are just a week or so away from good ol' Santee' Clause comin' and NO SNOW?! ick!

Well, rather than be a nasty ol' scrooge of it all, (which I think I have been - just ask my kids)... I figured I needed to find something to brighten my Holiday spirits. Little did I know it would be tonight.

This evening I went with a friend to pick up "Secret Santa" gifts for some local families. This gal works both at a pre school and a large retail chain and some years ago they started a small Secret Santa deal between the two and now it is HUGE! They put out tags in the retail store for employees and customers to take, they then buy the gifts and return them to the store and they are put together in pkgs for each family of the preschool and then given to them. We got to go pick up the pkgs tonight and sort them and tag them for each family........SO MUCH COOL STUFF these people are getting! Makes your heart swell to know there are so many great, loving, giving people out there who are willing to sacrafice to make another families Christmas brighter. Talk about putting you in the Christmas Spirit? Ohhh yes. Absolutely. So no more bah humbug for me.....I am sending the ol' Grinch back up the hill and pulling out my bestest Cindy Lou Hoo voice to start singing Holiday cheer!!

Happy Holidays to you too!

1 comment:

Ruth.E said...

At our Kmart we have a wishing tree where there is tags you pull down and then you can buy (or make) a gift, label the tag with who it is for (grandma, grandpa, mum, dad, girl (age), boy (age). Since Jason's mum died we buy a gift for a Grandmother each year. It makes us feel good to remember her that way and it makes us feel good to know someone else is getting a bit of Christmas love. I love that kind of thing. We all give what we can and it can make the world such a nice place.