Tuesday, April 15, 2008


Well, I have a few minutes to update here and figured I'd better get to it. So, here is the past few days in review...

Sat - funeral services all day. It was a long day but full of great visits with family and friends and people I have not seen in up to 20 years. Everything went nicely, and it was a good day. Long, but good.

Sun - I was a ball of energy! I woke up just full of energy and pumped to go. I did a couple of hours of housework - went to the gym and got a really good workout - and did quite a bit of yardwork too. We had a nice big dinner and all was well.

Mon - woke up in the middle of the night just dying. My stomach was cramping so bad and I had some sort of flu type thing. I spent all night running to the bathroom and cramping bad. Luckily Chris was off school all day and watched baby Noah for me. (THANK YOU SON!! XOXO) I finally got some meds called in from our family Dr and then I just zonked out.

Tues (today) - I woke up feeling a bit better but still cramping a lot. I called the baby's mom and told her there was not way I could do it alone today. I have been lounging around and resting - finally ate a wee bit of yogurt and am feeling a bit better. Just going to have to take it slow I guess.

All week last week I had stomach issues. Every time I ate anything I would get heartburn and stomach upset after just a few bites - I am sure it was due to the stress - anyhow, I kind of think it all just compiled on me and made me sick. Also, Ed and Micheal had a stomach bug last Monday so I may have gotten some of those li'l germs too.

So, that is where we are. Hope I get back to my old self soon - I have too much to do to be sitting around being sick. :O(

More later - Darla

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