Thursday, April 24, 2008

Happy Thursday All...

Just have a minute here but wanted to check in and yes, I am still quite giddy about my big accomplishment from yesterday. Seriously serious - it was awesome! I feel so excited and proud and accomplished - hard to put it into words. Whod'a thunk DARLA would ever be running? For fun?! OK, not for fun really, but to meet a goal and a challenge and to do something for myself. Craziness.

Today is going to be an "off" one. I could hardly get out of bed for the gym, I was sore and tired. I don't think the run necessarily got me, but the weight circuit sure did. They do say if you don't hurt a little you aren't doing much. I did enough I am sure. So, I didn't want to get going this a.m. - but I did. Instead of running again I did a different routine. I did a mile with the incline cranked up, then I did about 10 min on the spinning bike but it KILLS your tooshie so that was enough of that then I moved on to the recumbant bike and did a really fast paced cycle on that for 15 minutes. I was sweating like a tree (family joke) so I figured I got a good enough workout!

So, later this morning Ed will be coming home early to go the Dentist! Ick! He has had a tooth that has had 10001 procedures done on it including a freaking gold crown and that tooth is done. It is pretty much irrepareable sooo he is getting it yanked today. Should be a fun afternoon - hope he can just sleep afterwords. Ick.

OK off I go. Time to get kiddies up and moving. Have a GREAT day everyone!

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