Thursday, April 17, 2008


I was going thru some photo files today and came across these photos of our youngest boy Micheal and his buddy Berg. They are so stinkin' cute together it just kills me!
Berg is our best friend Blake and Lisa's youngest son and he and Micheal are just a few weeks apart in age. They have been buddies since they were born literally! As they have grown it is fun to watch them play and learn together and appriciate one anothers differences.
It used to be that Berg was the "lil' guy" and everyone bossed him around and that included Micheal - then last summer Berg kind of came into his own and started to do a little bossing himself. HA HA! They are funny how they banter back and forth and finally come to agreement on where/what/how they are going to play!
Birthday parties, family gatherings, or 'play dates', it does not matter, they just get along great and it is awesome to see their friendship grow.
On this day the Dad's had taken the boys 4 wheelin' in the mud and then went off to play themselves... I was planning to take the two lil' boys home for hot chocolate and a movie but they wanted to stay at the school playground and run around so I got some fun photo shots of them.
Friends are one of the best parts of life!!!!!

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