Friday, April 25, 2008

BIG Day Tommorrow!

I have been waiting for this weekend for a long long time, finally it is here! Lots going on, sister here visiting, TWO weddings to attend, all sorts of fun stuff! Sat will be crazy as we have a wedding at 1:00 and another at 6:00. Our close family friend Lauralynn and then my neice Rebekah. Crazies!
Also, my big sister Carlee is coming (for the wedding) and she and I have a "date" to go running tommorrow morning AND all three of us sisters will be going to Rexburg to the Paul Mitchell Hair Academy for scalp massages, hair-do's and nails! FUN FUN FUN! We'll all be just beautimus for the weddings! Good times baby!

I'll be sure to post photos as soon as I get a spare moment...I promise!

On the health front. All sorts of big news. First off, I SKIPPED my workout this a.m. and totally slept in! I KNOW!?! Can you believe it?! I figured I must have seriously needed it - don'tcha think? Also, my dearest dearie of a man bought me some new SKINNY jeans yesterday!! Some cheapie WalMart blue jeans, nothing too special aside from the fact that they are ONE MORE SIZE SMALLER! (Oh! And I think they totally look great on me!) Also... last but not least, today was my big Friday Weigh In Day and I WAS DOWN! I am back down to my lowest ever (after a slight up last week) and I am SO STOKED! Totally excited to be down there again and working HARD towards my next goal! COOOOL COOOOL COOOOL STUFF!

OK that is about all - again, I'll post pix from the weekend asap - I promise! (Lisa B, that means YOU need to post pix from the cabin asap too!! Don't miss us too much up there this weekend in all the COLD WET SNOW!Seriously, wish we were going too!)

Over and OUTTA HERE!

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