Sunday, April 27, 2008

55 Pounds IS A Lot!

Just reading (ok flipping really) through a new Bob Greene/Oprah book my sister brought me to borrow. In the book there is this crazy gross photo of Oprah walking across the stage with this tremendous peice of BEEF in a wagon. It represents the amount of weight that Oprah had taken off. WOW!
Now, in the past I have given myself a reality check at the pet isle in WalMart when I have picked up a 15 or 20 lb bag of dog food or a 30 lb bag of kitty litter.... THEY ARE HEAVY! Recently I TRIED to heft up a big 50 POUND bag of dog food and it nearly knocked me on my @ss! Seriously! I about fell over for real. Now THAT is a big head check for me.
So, now I am at 55 lbs gone... and what does THAT look like? Well, I did not find a photo of 55 lbs of beef so this is what you get. Nevertheless, it is a serious visual that makes me go "WOW! no wonder I felt like crap all the time!". A 55 lb fish, ewwww! That is HUGE! Then 55 lbs of HOP (the stuff they use to make beer) - that is a LOT of bags! And then some little 55 lb boys... a BOY! I have lost an entire little 7 year old boy?! What the heck!?

:O) Comparison is GOOOOOOD!


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