Bingham, ID Bonneville, ID Butte, ID Jefferson, ID Madison, ID
Today's Forecast
A cold front has blown thru the region, creating very windy
conditions with a few showers. For Wednesday we'll stay under
mostly cloudy skies and scattered showers will continue across
much of the High Country as well as possibly in the Valley.
Dorothy was lucky! She did NOT live in Idaho - land of the wind and wind. :O<
Bonneville - that is us (aka Idaho Falls) and it is REALLY WINDY
out there! Why am I so concerned about this? Well... I made a deal with myself.
Not sure how much I am loving it now, but it is done and if you can't keep a
promise to yourself, who can you keep a promise to? (Lordy what did I do???)
So, I decided after my fun outdoorsy run yesterday that I am giving up the treadmill (temporarily) for running purposes and ONLY running OUTDOORS for 2 weeks. GREAT IDEA DARLA! Oh yea, it is blowing up to 25 mph winds out there, you won't have to run, you'll just blow down the road
like a stinking tumbleweed! GEESH! But- a promise IS a promise and I will do it!
This morning I did go to the gym - had a great workout, 2 miles on the treadmill (no running!!) at a faster walking speed AND a cranked up incline and really got my heartrate pumpin! I also did my dutiful weight circuit and feel good about that. NOW I have to go out and brave the winds for a jog. Hmmm do I really have to?
I will get the kids off to school then "attempt" a 1 mile loop around the neighborhood in hopes that the houses will block some of the wind at least. Ick!
OK I am outie - more later - IF I make it back!
:O) Darla
**I MADE IT! I did a quick mile, ran about 1/2 of it, it was so windy and cold but I did it!**
ALSO - this is cool, my totals for the month of April are awesome! I walked/ran a total of over 42 miles this month with about 12 miles of running... I also worked out 22 out of 30 days this month with 18 of those days running! Pretty cool!