Wednesday, June 06, 2007

I Had A Good Day.

What a good day. It rained. It was cloudy. It was glum. But it was a good day. I got LOTS done around the house including cleaning our youngests' bedroom...eeegads scary stuff! I got the laundry caught up. I got the girls to clean THEIR room even. I baked a cake (wooah!) and made dinner. I taxi'd kids. I babysat. I even snuck in time to watch my soap-opera on tv. I ate good and made good food choices. I am just very happy with today.
Hmmmmm think it is because I know we are heading out *somewhere* in just 2 more days???

Oh and pictures today are of older daughter cute! Also one of our poochie doggie Hershey. Such a good doggie boy! (until he tinkled in the livingroom today!)

Hope YOU had a good day too!
:O) Darla

1 comment:

JulesinParadise said...

Great pics and have fun 'wherever' you go!