Monday, June 11, 2007

All work and no play makes....

Well, as promised, a report of our weekend for you! Just as planned, it was a total blast, way too fun to even tell, and just a pure joy! We even ended up with a couple of sick kids too and it was STILL a fun time. We went up Friday and stayed through Sun afternoon... we played, we worked, we visted, we hot tubbed, we rode 4 wheelers and motorcycles, watched movies, roasted hot dogs in the fire and so much more! It was just AWESOME!
The guys got a lot of work done on the cabin, built stairs and rails on the back deck (both ends) which was a good thing because first thing Fri afternoon, in all my wisdom, jumped off the one side of the deck and jammed my bad knee. Ack! That was not cool. They also put up some sideboard stuff on the back of the front portion of the cabin and let me tell you, seeing my "baby" up on that 30 foot ladder was NOT what this Mom needed! However, he was great, he worked his butt off and he and Blake got a lot accomplished. Ed was not feeling so great and on some pain meds so he was not doing a lot with the power tools (which is a good thing!) and definatly was not going to be climbing any 30 ft ladders but he was a good help when it came to the "math" and measurements and all that fun stuff.
We women folk just sort of watched the kids, cleaned up after the guys and made sure everyone ate lots of good food. Most of Sat was spent running up and down the stairs to the loft checking on sickies... two of our kids and one of our friends got a stomach bug and spent most of Sat with tummy aches, pukies and in the bathroom. Not a pretty thing. :O< But thankfully they were all ok and the weekend was still a hit!
I did pretty dang good cooking out on a dutch oven pot over a burner and set up under an awning in the rain! We got a good hard rain Fri night but otherwise the weather was perfect!
As far as play went... well, the guys went and went and went. Blake and Ed were riding the big 4 wheelers and Chris on his dirt bike. I think they put new rutts in the road as much as they went riding. They had a blast though and that was so cool to see. The kids also did the 4 wheelers, they also played in the creek, watched tons of movies and more. Lisa and I just kicked back and enjoyed one anothers' company as we do so well! :O) She and I typically spend a good amount of time on the phone everyday so getting to sit down and visit all weekend is awesome! The other big "hightlite" this weekend was that the hot tub was delivered and set up on Fri morning so by Sat a.m. we were able to take a little dip! Soooooooooo nice to sit in there and relax. We went for a 2nd one Sat night and that was a blast! Out there under the stars, hearing the creek run by the deck... just heaven!!
OK That is the report! Tons of fun, can't wait to go back! SOOON I hope! I know we'll be going up the first week in July when Ed's sis and her family is here, but I hope to make it up again before that! I so did NOT want to come home........


PS Blake and Lisa if you are reading this..... THANK YOU! XOXO You guys rock!


Cindy Marchant said...

Hi Darla!! Welcome home. Sounds like you had a full and fun weekend. And you didn't do any damage! Woo hoo! See, we can have fun and still do well weight wise.

Kath said...

Sounds like a wonderful weekend, Darla. Glad you had such a great time, and I know the kids will cherish the memory forever. Thanks for sharing it with us.