Friday, May 02, 2008

GOOD day!

Cruisin' right along here! Went with my sister Lisa for a walk/jog this a.m. - about 2 miles total with 3/4 mile running. Felt great but still had energy to burn! So this afternoon/evening I went for another long walk - 3 miles! (no running) Total of 5 miles today! NOT SHABBY!
** SORRY - had to remove these photos - I apologize**
Also wanted to share my kids latest photos - these are the spring "personality" portraits that they take even if you don't want to buy them and send them home so your kids whine and beg you to buy them at an outrageously obnoxious price and then Mom scans them and cheats to share them and get off free considering Mom never ordered them OR wanted them to begin with! BUT HEY - they are good photos this time! LOLOL So, without further ado - Tiffany Marie (5th grade - 11 yrs) and Micheal Andrew (1st grade - 7 yrs).

:O) Darla

1 comment:

Mae said...

Another daughter who is becoming a beautiful young lady---Tiff is just a doll and great picture.

I can not believe that is your baby!!! He has such a grown up looki in his face. Your children are growing UP!!!
Really cute pics Darla and I know you are beaming with pride.

Love ya,