Wednesday, November 07, 2007


Having a great week! Having a great day! Just happy overall! AND that is good!

Today is day three of really working back on track and I am happy to report I have lost OVER 3 lbs since Monday! I knew this would melt off since I'd already lost it once, my body just had to "recover" I guess? I am still doing great on my foods and not feeling hungry for junk which is the biggest hurdle for me! I just got done with my 5k walk/run training and it kicked my butt again, but always feel so good when I am done to say "I DID IT!" one more time! I am almost through week 2 of the 9 week course of training and I feel great. I was worried this a.m. though because last night I was doing some quilting at the Church and was down on my knees on the hard floors for 1 1/2 hours and my knees were really sore. I had to get up 2 x over night to take some motrin for the pain and stiffness and this a.m. I was really stiff and sore. My left knee is a wreck anyway so I have to be careful. Well, I skipped going to the gym but once I got up and going and moving around it was a lot better so I just did the treadmill at home. Maybe I can get to the YMCA later today?? Maybe I just need to hire good ol' Richard Simmons to come personally train me?? LOLOL!
Ahhh but I have that dress to keep me motivated - sorry Richard baby! :O)
Housework and laundry today and pre-making dinner for the family as I am going to a card class at Church tonight. Totally enjoy the time at those! :O) Hope to find time to put together some more card kits this afternoon but I don't "have" to so that is ok if I don't too.

OK off I go! The dustbunnies await!!!!! :OP


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