Saturday, September 15, 2007


I sneezed last night when I went to bed. I will tell you one thing and one thing only right here and now : DO NOT EVER SNEEZE ONE WEEK AFTER YOU HAVE HAD YOUR NECK CUT OPEN FOR THYROID SURGERY! Seriously. Pain. Ohhhh the pain. I hurt worse in that 30 min after sneezing than I did when I woke up from the surgery in the recovery room at the hospital. Serious, unwaving, unmerciful P A I N! Finally, after sitting in bed crying for nearly an hour I gave up and took some pain medication. After all, that is what it was prescribed for, right? I had felt so good all day long on Fri and was quite proud that I had managed through the day with no Rx pain meds, just some plain ol' Tylenol and I was actually excited to be off the heavy duty stuff. Well, after the sneeze, yup, I am back on the pain meds. I still 1/2 wonder if I didn't tear something or do some damage in there - I gave myself quite the jolt and I did not have enough reaction time to reach up and "support" my neck like I normally have been doing when I cough or move suddenly. Top that with the postition I was lying in, well, it was no good. So, today I have been taking it easy, still on the pain meds and if it is still bad by Monday I am going to call the Dr and let him know I think I sneezed myself an injury.
So - if you have never read the book that I posted with this, you HAVE to read it! It was a FAVE of mine when I was a kid and it immediatly came to mind when all this happened last night. "Stand back said the elephant I am going to sneeze, oh please oh please said the monkeys in the trees, last time you sneezed the alligators snout turned inside out ...." so on and so forth. AKA the elephants sneeze turns the jungle upside down and inside out and THAT is how I feel today.
AND I just wanted to add today is in fact our 17th Wedding Anniversary and Ed is taking me out tonight! So sweet! He babied me today too, what a guy. Gotta love him.
AND one more quick thing (wish I could post the photos) Miss Dani had a JHS soccer game against the Sandcreek Dragons today (don't they just SOUND mean?) and they WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPED their butts in a killer 8-1 game! It was awesome! I went, sat in the hot sun trying to cover my gaping scar to preven it from sun damage and I even tried to scream a bit, but my voice is still too tired. LOL But so cool they WON! Way to go EAGLES!

OK off to get ready for our anniversary date!
Luvs to you guys!

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