Tuesday, September 25, 2007

80's Day and Our New Puppy!

So, in trying to play catch up here, I have a couple more photos to share. Just trying to keep on top of things!
One is of our younger daughter Tiffany - her school had a spirit week a few weeks ago at school and believe it or not, rather than 50's day (like we used to have *sigh*) they do 80's day! OH am I old or what?!? So, we did her "BIG hair" and all the fun stuff like doubled scrunched socks and tight leggin's... she looked so cute. Of course, all that big hair was a flat hairsprayed mess when she got home but at least I got a photo! LOL
The other photo is our new puppy Oliver! We got him the day I came home from the hospital and he is a "Bl-eagle" aka: black lab/beagle mix. So, let me just say, getting a new puppy is not the thing to do when you are recovering from surgery. That first week home for me was sure trying... pupppy training is hard work and I was so not up for it. BUT- we survived and he is getting there. He is a cutie too. He likes this baby that I watch wayyy too much, likes to steal his pacifiers and EAT them and as you can see, he likes to get into the baby swing and sleep! Crazy Dog!!
So, nothing new today. Just hanging out at home, cleaning, laundry, all that. I am still really really worn and tired and even though I feel good, I am getting so worn out. A couple people have suggested I get my iron checked since I did have some blood loss in surgery and in the past I have had a tendancy to get anemic after birth or surgeries... so I am going to call the Dr about that today. Otherwise, all is calm on the homefront for now.
Tonight the kids all have this stuff going on, Chris and Dani have their church youth group meetings and Tiffany and Daddy have a Father/Daughter pj dinner for church too... that leaves our lil' guy Micheal and Mom all alone so we'll have to find something fun to do! :O)
Alright, hope all is well with everyone and behave yourselves!

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