Wednesday, June 28, 2006

What to say on a Wednesday...

Well, here it is Wed all ready and what do I have to share? Ummm, not much. This week has been boring in comparison to last weeks adventures... kind of recouperating I guess? I do have a few things to share though so read on if you want.

I have been scrapbooking like a mad woman lately and feeling really good about what I am putting together. Lots of pages for the family books, also some altered projects and then my circle journal group I am in. I did a page last night of my dear neice Madison at the Oregon Beach from last summer... a little on the funky side for me , but inspired from an Elsie Flannigan class I took at CKU Provo last month. You can see that her style is very definative but hip and chic and cool... teaches you to sort of "let go" of the straight lines and so on... had fun with the class and fun with this page, you can see it here:

OH and also had some funnies last night... my good scrapping buddy Shar came across some videos that were just BEYOND hysterical for the scrapper addicts out there... I found the SNL one to be particulary funny with the term "SCRUBBY" = Scrapbook Hubby hee hee... so cute!

and then there was this one which my close friend Lisa will roll on the floor laughing at... (she stopped scrapping and went digital and I tease her about her "1/2 finished pages" all the time) so this one is a hoot too!

So, today is what we call "Hump Day" and I am going to do just that.... HA HA NOT!! No, really, I am going to take today to catch up laundry, maybe do some yardwork and then get some scrappy time in too! My poor 'scrubby' Ed took hot dogs for lunch today so I better figure out a YUMMY-O! dinner for him....

OK until next time....


crazydarla said...

Thank you Robin...I sort of am "off" about the lo but it is working on me! LOL

Mae said...


Your banner looks good enough to eat!! If Robin is doing your banners for you, WOW!!--she does a fantastic job! That girl is talented!

: )