Sunday, June 18, 2006

I liked this ...

I "stole" this from my good buddy JULES BLOG and I think it is a lot of fun...sure makes you think!

I want: people to know how sensitive I really am.
I have: 4 beautiful kids that I live for!
I wish: I could keep my mouth shut sometimes!
I miss: my Dad more than I can express.
I hear: my kids whine and scream way too much.
I wonder: where I'd be if I had never moved to Boise in 1989
I regret: too many things.
I am not: good at standing up for myself.
I dance: to the beat of my own drum?? LOL
I sing: LOUD in the car with Michael McLean songs.
I cry: at the drop of a hat.
I am not always: trying to do my best.
I make with my hands: food for my family and crafts for fun!
I write: lists...lists and more lists.
I confuse: everything! I don't know up from down most days!
I need: more self esteem.
I should: spend less time planning and more time doing.
I start: my day with wake up snuggles from my baby boy, I love that!
I finish: my day with night owl chatting with my scrapping buddies online!

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