Monday, June 19, 2006

My sunshine boy...

Forgive me now, cuz' I am a wee tad weepy. This blog today is in honor of my "sunshine" boy Christopher.

Christopher is my oldest son, my biggest helper, one of my best friends. Chris is kind and loving, caring, giving and a hard worker. Chris is smart and strong and confident. Chris takes good care of his baby brother and loves his sisters (most days)! Chris was a tough pregnancy, a horrible labor and even more awful delivery. My dear "sunshine" boy was a whoppin' 9 POUNDS 2 oz and a long baby too! I was totally distraught that I had a boy ... I wanted a girl... and I was a bit peeved after going through all that to find out I had a son. OK I know, bad mom. Right? Well, sort of. Anyway, by day #2 and a series of things I decided I was destined to be his Momma and I fell in love with him with all my heart. Now, I cannot imagine not having him as my firstborn and oldest child.

So...why all the hubbub? Well, tommorrow my "sunshine" boy Chris will be 15 years old. FIFTEEN!!!! OMGosh where do the years go? I cannot believe this! Well, all that said, I am very very proud to be his Mother and I am very very blessed to be his Mother and I have to say that I think we have raised a FINE young man and I just love him more than words can say.


** wanted to add**
another neat picture of my sunshine boy and his lil' brother... just shows even more what a great kid he is... they are very close buddies and this photo just makes me SMILE

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

Aw Darla! That is so sweet! Those firstborn's are kinda special aren't they!
Enjoy him, the days will fly by!
