i got a little crazy today
ed likes red-heads - thinks they are sexy
i like red hair - think it is pretty
needed to cover the grey
needed to get rid of the 1/2 blonde from last summer
needed something fresh and new
last time I "went red" it looked like a head wound
so..... without further ado - the hair (and I LIKE it this time)!!!!
ok, so the photo is not the best but it works - :O)
oh - and check out the cheezy and every so whitening teeth too! LOL that photo is reeedikulous! but it shows the pearly WHITES and the RED hair so hey! laugh if you want! rotflmbo (I WILL)
ewww, very pretty Darla. More auburn. That's about my hair color when I'm not highlighting it. I like it a lot Darla, very rich, warm looking. Can you keep it up yourself? What does Ed think? Hmmm?
I Really like it! Will ya come do mine? I've always wanted to go red. It looks fabulous on you! The weight loss is really, really showing!
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