Sunday, May 06, 2007

Soccer Crazies are gone - sniff sniff

Well, we survived the "Soccer Crazies" big blowout weekend once again. Looks like this will be the last time too... my nephew and most of his team all graduate from HS in a few weeks and this team will be done. I am really bummed, I have enjoyed these tournements and visits so much and they will be missed. As a matter of fact, when they left today, several of them were headed to Montana to check out a college there....... oh man, when did I get so old? Geesh!

Well, the tournament went great! The boys played their hearts out, in blizzarding snow and warm sunshine, high winds, and even some rain. Good ol' Idaho Falls weather..... ha ha ha! They took 2nd in the tournament for their age bracket and they did FAB! The finals game today was a ROUGH AND TOUGH team from Billings, MT and they gave them a serious run for their money. Our boys held on tight but lost in the end..... no one was too upset though bc they had a helluva game and gave a valiant fight till' the whistle blew! We had a couple great games that we won and a tie and then this final which we lost. Not shabby at all if you ask me! GO BLUE!!!!!!

I posted a few pix here to show you how much fun we had! ENJOY! Oh and happy weekend!!!! Somehow I missed Cinco d'Mayo AND even Natl' Scrapbook Day due to all the party and soccer but hey, what you won't do for family, right? The red/white game my nephew Ted is in the center of the photo in white (blonde hair) ... in the blue photo , the boy #14 is our lil' sweetheart Fernando- this kid is an inspiration and a 1/2!! He comes from quite a family, but his big story is that he had had some major eye problems and about a yr ago had cornea transplants and has just done amazing. He is a POWER HOUSE of a soccer player and when his vision was at like 10% he could outrun, outplay and outpower just about anyone.......well, now that he can SEE and has some depth perception, well, he is AMAZING! We just love this kid to bits...the most polite, kind, sweet person you would ever meet. So cool. darla

1 comment:

crazydarla said...

oops! sorry for the duplicate photo, not sure how that happened!
