Thursday, March 22, 2007

OK for those who are wondering.....

Yesterday was one of the worst and best days ever! Crazy description don't ya think? Well, here goes.

I got up early, as I have been for a while now, and headed to the YMCA (when I say early I am talking 4:45 in the morning). I go about 5 days a week and usually that early in the a.m. there are not a whole lot of people there. There is however, a gal who I went to HS with who goes and sometimes she is with a friend and sometimes her hubby. We have actually spoken before as she remembers my older sister who is her age.
Well, long story short, yesterday morning I was thrown out some very nasty and negative comments about my weight and although I would like to believe she didn't mean for me to hear them.......I did. I spent the good part of the morning bawling, totally upset that anyone would see a person working so hard to improve themselves and yet say such degrading things. By mid day I was fine and determined to use this for good, positive reinforcement, in spite of her words. My sister and bf (both named Lisa!! LOL) thought otherwise , looked the girl up, called her and read her the riot act!!! (Gotta feel the love there) Of course, the gal denied it, said she didn't even know WHO I was or anything........also said she was not even at the Y yesterday morning!! WHAT? Well, again, I was determined to just let this be a good I totally just turned it into honey for myself.
So today, I get up and go.......really did not expect to see her there after yesterday but I was prepared! I got there, walked in and SMILED at her and looked her right in the eye... she proceeded to walk into the room where I was and approach me with excuses and lies but did offer an apology and was nice..... for a liar. I took her apology and then gushed with how totally upset I was and how I didn't know how people could be so mean, blah blah blah.... even threw in some serious guilt factors (SHHHAME on me!) and then used the phrase my sister said yesterday to me: BEAUTY FADEDS - STUPID IS FOREVER
So, I feel better, even though she STILL would not own up to it........ like who else is going to be there at 5 in the freaking morning that I went to HS with 18 years ago????? Geesh, like I said, Stupid IS Forever!!! LOL

OK all is good now, and I hope that every single freaking day that she walks in the Y and sees me there she gets a big "FAT" sick feeling in the pit of her stomach! Ha!


Also wanted to add a big thanks to my online bud LyndenJen who sent me this little quirp... perfect for the occasion! Thanks Jen!!

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

And you know what Darla, she will. If she has any kind of a conscience, and I'm sure she does, she will get that sick pit feeling everytime she sees you. In the Y, in the mall, in the grocery, everywhere she sees you. Especially when you do hit your target. You will accomplish your goal. What will she be able to say except that she hurt a good person?
