Friday, March 30, 2007

Lots going on.

Do you ever feel like a doof? Some days, I just feel doofy, goofy, silly, dumb, whatever you want to call it, sometimes I just feel like a weirdo.
This photo is our oldest ds Chris, and yes, that day he WAS being a BIG DOOF. Bet he had no idea how much I'd use the photo either! HA HA!!
Well, here is the thing. I shipped off my two younger children to Boise with their aunts and grama and pappa for 4 1/2 days and so far, I have done NOTHING. Yup, nothing. It seems to me that I should be running off on some wild adventure or going out for a manicure or somthing... but what have I done? Not a darn thing. Yesterday I did take our older daughter window shopping for a bit, but didn't really feel the groove (no fun to shop and not buy anything). Last night I did my normal rounds of running, taxi, dinner, bedtime. No excitement there either. I am hoping come Sat/ Sun we'll have some fun since we'll be spending some time with our friends. I don't know what or why it is though that I am so blahhh when I could be doing just pretty much whatever I want to do?? Makes no sense. Yes, I am a doof.
On happier notes, my good friend is approved and getting her dream home and I am so happy for her. Also discovered that I'd won a coolio scrapbooking prize from a gal's blog - super cool! Weight is continuing to drop......couldn't ask for a better thing right now. Just lots of good things, lots of happiness in my life right now. Hope you have happiness too....

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