Sorry I missed a day or so, just been busy I guess. But now I am back and with lots to share.
First off, my decoration. This little mini nativity set was a gift to me from my friend Liz. Liz has lived with us for a few years, since Micheal was a baby and is like a sister to Ed and I, she is awesome with the kids and we love her like a sister! The year Micheal was born, I was SO super preggo that Christmas and just so worn out and tired, I didn't even want to decorate because of all the work involved in putting up and taking down and a baby due any minute. Well, Liz bought me this cute lil' mini Nativity set and I just love it! SO cute! Oh and the little teeny tiny baby lambs - TO DIE FOR! Just adoreable! I love this set!
Got this challenge from my online buddy Kip's blog...thought it was a fun one!
Thought provoking challenge....
1..What one person has most inspired you, in your career? Well, since I am a SAHM I would have to say my own Mother. She taught me so much and I try in so many ways to do the things she did for us.
2. If money were not an issue, where would you live? I think we'd still be here in Idaho Falls, but probably in a bigger, newer home.
3. What is the best advice you ever received? If at first you don't suceed, try try again. :O) Thanks Mom.
4. What is your favorite time of day? LATE nights when the kids are all in bed!
5. What is the best invention since sliced bread? Minivans with automatic doors!
6. Not including family or friends, the top three things you're thankful for? My home, my health and cameras to capture memories forever!
7. If you had that mobile phone service, who would be your top five? Well, my speed dial includes my dh Ed, ds Chris, our bf's home, friend Blake's cell, friend Lisa's cell, sister Lisa, sister Carlee, and friend Liz
8. What things need to happen for you to have a good day? Decent sleep, waking up on time, no argument with kids before school, morning phone call from my bf Lisa.
9. What is your favorite every day outfit? Blue jeans, t-shirt, tennis shoes
10. When you are alone in the car, what do you do? Listen to the same CD's over and over and over and talk on my cell phone (too much!)
11. What kind of vehicle do you drive? THE most beautiful blue Chrystler Town and Country minivan fully loaded with EVERYTHING I could ever dream of!! I love my van!
12. What one person, whom you have never met, do you wish you could have lunch with? (met in person?) Shar for sure!
13. What is the one part of your body that you like the most? My long blond-ish hair and my cavles which the kids pediatrician said were "buff"
14. What song, when playing on the radio currently, is your favorite to hear? I LOVE LOVE LOVE the song "Paralyzer" by Finger11
15.What is the one piece of advice that you wish you could give someone? What are people saying about YOU behind YOUR back?
16. What are you looking forward to right now? Going to bed!
17. What are the tv shows you watch every week and hate to miss? ER, Survivor, Biggest Loser, Little People-Big World
18. What is the dinner that you or your family eats once a week? Ground Beef
19. If you just won $100,000, what would you use the money for? Pay some bills and use some as a down on a house
20. Name one random fact about you that you think most people do not know. I have crooked pinkie fingers...inherited it from my Grandma and my Daddy!
and now it is too late to report on the days' events but I wanted to "tag" Shar, Dolly, Robin, Cindy, and Sherelle to this challenge and I will post about my crazy day tommorrow!
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