Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Holy Wednesday Batman!!!!!

OK so I am a dork - what's new? LOL It is Wed already, this week is cruisin' by fast! I am on this timeline of moving now and the days are already speeding past too quickly! LOL I *DID* go on a box hunt this a.m. and did pretty well. I got quite a few and enough for a good start today. I am going to really try hard to get ahead of the game so that come 2 days before the move I am not a total nightmare basketcase! We shall see...
I have had a MAHHHHHVALOUS morning so far and hey, it is not even 8:00 a.m. yet! How is that for rockin'?? I got up at 4:00 a.m. (yes, before the sun was up) and called babies mamma to wake her up and get her moving... she was here by 4:30 and then we were off to the gym! We worked out a good hour and both learned a few new things from each other (so cool to have a buddy there!) and then did a good, long, hard ellyptical session! I am almost back up to the 30 minutes on that sucker and WHEW it feels good! After that I came home and turned right back around and went out for a 2 mile walk/run! WHOO WHOO! I ran a bit over a mile of the distance and it felt really really energizing and invigorating! I am going to push super hard to get up to the 2 miles I *was* as a couple months ago and then start the megga push to the 3 miles so that I can do that 5K in Oct with confidence and ease (ha ha ha ok, not ease, but confidence)! I am sort of excited for the move bc I'll be able to work on my running in the grass more but I'll miss my old route around our neighborhood!
OK off to get things going around the house for the day and start packing!!


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