Friday, October 13, 2006

HOLY MOLY what a day! Yes, it was indeed a FRIDAY around here! I am sooooooo totally wiped out today, not sure exactly "why"?? but I am. Had a bad food day on my 'dieting' and now I am paying for it dearly, my belly feels like I have 101 lbs of wieghts sitting in there....ick! So, I did this LO of Micheal the citrus like colors. Love the photo too, one that I actually took myself?! WOW! he hee. I really like how it came out, bright, fun, cheery, so fun.

Big weekend plans.......dh is work work working and will be very busy, also dd Dani will be doing her performance in the play ROBINHOOD two times on Saturday. SO exciting for her. I am proud of her too. Big time fun stuff!

Kitty kitty kittens are getting SO silly fun. They are a month old now, running ALL over teh place, pouncing, playing, rolling and tumbling! SO CUTE! I'll post some pix this weekend for you. Don't know how we are going to deal with getting rid of them....all the other cats (not mamma) are getting quite attatched to them! LOL

TOTALLY slacked off today. Did not do a lick of housework...lazy, I know, but somehow this day just flew by and suddenly I was cooking dinner in a dirty kitchen...ick! So tommorrow will be catch up day around here, hope to get some yardwork done as well... supposed to snow next week so I need to get this stuff DONE while I sill can! yikes! Feeling rather guilty too for slacking off all day when dh worked OT all day today. Just had no get up and go left after lunch time.....and after making crappy food pix on top of that, well, my mojo was gone. SAT is the day, HOP HOP HOP (Hour of Power) for DarlaLOU!!

Until next time....... Darla

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