I always giggle to myself when I read my fellow bloggers posts on Wed each week... "hump day".
Of course, being a girl of the 80's I instantly think of the not so obvious, shame on me, but still, it is just "there". LOL Anyway, the REAL "hump day" is in referral to it being Wed, or 1/2 way thru the work week!! LOL Since I don't "work" (outside the home anyway) it doesn't really apply to me, but it is still a cute phrase. For me, the real work is on the weekends when I have the whole house full of our entire family for 3 days straight! With summer here, well, it is all downhill and there is NO "hump day" for me. Anyway...
It is now 9:30 pm and the day is coming to a close, so why did I even bother? hee hee
In other news....
Tommorrow I start tending a couple of sweet lil' boys. Two lil' cuties that I adore, they are close in age to my two 'babies' and they enjoy my kids company. It should be fun!! (I hope!!) Also, tommorrow after work my honey is headed out of town to pick up our oldest son from my sister's house. It is just a couple hours away, but I'll still miss him! XOXOXO Can't wait for my son to be home though...have really missed him! Kids are all enjoying summer break so far. We are only in week one so I am sure by next week they will be wailing about how bored and hot they are. *!*KIDS*!* Lots of sprinklers, popsicles and rented movies should get us through....
Well, that is it for me. One more day in the optimistic world of a super mommy scrapper addict!
until next time....
Are you the lion or the gazelle?? Who has to be faster? Quitting is not an option - it simply isn't!!! It's as easy as 1, 2, 3!! Endure! Fight! Keep going! Our deepest fear is tha we are powerful beyond measure!
Wednesday, May 31, 2006
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
ME for a Day...
Thought I'd share a quick run down of my day... does anyone want this job?
slept in later than I should
hubby came home sick
took a shower (nice long one)
picked up dd from friends house
argued with kids to help with chores
took a minimum of 10 phone calls through the day
cleaned bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and vac'd upstairs
argued with kids to do chores
started some laundry
argued with kids to do chores
took dd to her aunts to play with cousins
ran an errand and chatted too long
visited with my sister while kids played
gave sick nephew a neb treatment (asthma meds)
fixed baked potato bar for dinner
make a 2 week menu and shopping list
let kids run in sprinkler
made popcorn for kids
tried to catch up on the computer
talked to son on phone (he is out of town) and missing him
getting ready to go to bed. it was a long kind of day.
slept in later than I should
hubby came home sick
took a shower (nice long one)
picked up dd from friends house
argued with kids to help with chores
took a minimum of 10 phone calls through the day
cleaned bathroom, kitchen, livingroom, and vac'd upstairs
argued with kids to do chores
started some laundry
argued with kids to do chores
took dd to her aunts to play with cousins
ran an errand and chatted too long
visited with my sister while kids played
gave sick nephew a neb treatment (asthma meds)
fixed baked potato bar for dinner
make a 2 week menu and shopping list
let kids run in sprinkler
made popcorn for kids
tried to catch up on the computer
talked to son on phone (he is out of town) and missing him
getting ready to go to bed. it was a long kind of day.
Monday, May 29, 2006
Survival of the fittest? er, the most well slept?
I am totally wiped out, WIPED out. I am tired, cranky, grouchy, grumpy and yes, I survived, but I am definatly 'altered' right now. *SIGH*
This was a very very long weekend, Friday through Monday, we had 9 boys staying here ranging from 16 - 19 yrs old, we had my sister and her hubby and then the soccer coach. This, along with OUR family of 7, 2 cats and a massive, nasty rain/hail storm that blew though. Now, I love my sister, and I love having them all here, I DO... but you pen up that many teenaged boys in my small home and a weekend full of rain, well... they find OTHER things to do. Sadly, we had to get tough on them and let them know that they were staying in a HOME not a HOTEL. :O( I felt awful, but we had to do it. I think it was much too long of a weekend for them, the weather keeping them inside was too much and then our (sniff sniff) loosing streak was not so helpful either. ( We lost 0-5 on Sun and 3-5 today)
All in all, we had a good time though. TONS of great food and lots of fun visiting and hanging out. The boys played XBox and Darts and did Chin Up contests in our garage! (very entertaining too I might add!) So, I survived yet another Soccer Weekend...and I will tell you one thing, I could NEVER be a Soccer Mom like my sister. (good thing? bad thing? I'll never tell.)
So, I am back in the land of the onliners and hope to catch up with you my friends soon! HUGS
I am totally wiped out, WIPED out. I am tired, cranky, grouchy, grumpy and yes, I survived, but I am definatly 'altered' right now. *SIGH*
This was a very very long weekend, Friday through Monday, we had 9 boys staying here ranging from 16 - 19 yrs old, we had my sister and her hubby and then the soccer coach. This, along with OUR family of 7, 2 cats and a massive, nasty rain/hail storm that blew though. Now, I love my sister, and I love having them all here, I DO... but you pen up that many teenaged boys in my small home and a weekend full of rain, well... they find OTHER things to do. Sadly, we had to get tough on them and let them know that they were staying in a HOME not a HOTEL. :O( I felt awful, but we had to do it. I think it was much too long of a weekend for them, the weather keeping them inside was too much and then our (sniff sniff) loosing streak was not so helpful either. ( We lost 0-5 on Sun and 3-5 today)
All in all, we had a good time though. TONS of great food and lots of fun visiting and hanging out. The boys played XBox and Darts and did Chin Up contests in our garage! (very entertaining too I might add!) So, I survived yet another Soccer Weekend...and I will tell you one thing, I could NEVER be a Soccer Mom like my sister. (good thing? bad thing? I'll never tell.)
So, I am back in the land of the onliners and hope to catch up with you my friends soon! HUGS
Friday, May 26, 2006
Soccer Mayhem
7 parents
11 boys
1 coach
1 assistant coach
3 dinners
4 lunches
4 breakfasts
150 gallons of water
....you get the idea?
Soccer Mayhem.
They are coming to visit,
those soccer crazy bunch!
We'll house them and bath them,
and give them some lunch.
They will drink lots of fluids,
water by the gallon...
To keep up thier strength
GOOD LORD don't you foul em'!
The blue and the white
the RAPIDS we are,
with bumps and bruises-
but hardly a scar.
The soccer mayhem ,
has commenced on my home.
Boys, socks, drinks
and shin guards of foam!
The boys are hyper,
the parents are intense...
the games will carry on and on,
even when a ref doesn't make sense!
Ah yes, soccer mayhem
it is here one more time!!
but I have to admit that I love it
I'd do it again on a dime!
GO TEAM RAPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "boys" are coming this weekend...will be here in about an hour. Don't look for me, I'll be busy till' Monday! :O) Darla
11 boys
1 coach
1 assistant coach
3 dinners
4 lunches
4 breakfasts
150 gallons of water
....you get the idea?
Soccer Mayhem.
They are coming to visit,
those soccer crazy bunch!
We'll house them and bath them,
and give them some lunch.
They will drink lots of fluids,
water by the gallon...
To keep up thier strength
GOOD LORD don't you foul em'!
The blue and the white
the RAPIDS we are,
with bumps and bruises-
but hardly a scar.
The soccer mayhem ,
has commenced on my home.
Boys, socks, drinks
and shin guards of foam!
The boys are hyper,
the parents are intense...
the games will carry on and on,
even when a ref doesn't make sense!
Ah yes, soccer mayhem
it is here one more time!!
but I have to admit that I love it
I'd do it again on a dime!
GO TEAM RAPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The "boys" are coming this weekend...will be here in about an hour. Don't look for me, I'll be busy till' Monday! :O) Darla
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
Well HELLO Friends...
Let me just tell you, MAY has been one of the CRAZIEST months of my WHOLE life! OYE!!!
Between kids, home, running "taxi", visitors and traveling I am plum beat! Whew!! I have one more crazy weekend to go then hopefully we'll get back to some normal days around here. Tomorrow is the kids last day of school, so I am sure we'll have a week of chaos adjusting there and then I will be babysitting my 2 favorite lil' blondie boys for a few weeks. No vacations this summer, just hanging out, enjoying the sun and family and friends. Fun times.
Not a whole lot more to report, just busy as always. CKU was a nice refreshing break but it was hectic to I didn't really come home feeling 'rested' per say, just refreshed?! But it was so fun!! I am looking forward to Summer break though.
Well, that is about it for my ramblings today. Dishes to wash, beds to be made. You know the grind?!
until next time.... me
Between kids, home, running "taxi", visitors and traveling I am plum beat! Whew!! I have one more crazy weekend to go then hopefully we'll get back to some normal days around here. Tomorrow is the kids last day of school, so I am sure we'll have a week of chaos adjusting there and then I will be babysitting my 2 favorite lil' blondie boys for a few weeks. No vacations this summer, just hanging out, enjoying the sun and family and friends. Fun times.
Not a whole lot more to report, just busy as always. CKU was a nice refreshing break but it was hectic to I didn't really come home feeling 'rested' per say, just refreshed?! But it was so fun!! I am looking forward to Summer break though.
Well, that is about it for my ramblings today. Dishes to wash, beds to be made. You know the grind?!
until next time.... me
Tuesday, May 23, 2006
Monday, May 22, 2006

So, we got home yesterday afternoon from CKU (Creating Keepsakes University) in Provo, UT and had an absolute BLAST while there! We took off on Wed. morning and shopped all day and then stayed at a Trendwest Resort Condo that night up in the Utah mountains that was just insanely beautiful... stayed up too late and got up WAY too early. Hit the roads early for Provo and missed MOST of the morning rush traffic (oye!!) and went straight to the Marriot Hotel where we stayed. Thurs we checked in, did make and takes and stuff...we also had a mini class with MM (Making Memories) and let me just tell you what a TOTAL RIOT that Margie Romney is! OMGosh she is a hoot! Great time! That night we had our Tailgate Party where we did our Dorm table, dressup, cheer (which we won) and then did games and prizes, etc. FUN NIGHT! We had classes all day Friday and then our group went to dinner Fri evening at an awesome Mexican resteraunt but I was not feeling so great so I went up to the room and napped for a while. That night we went to another party and got more goodie bags (everywhere was goodie bags full of freebies) and then went out to shop shop shop ... lots of fun again! Sat was another early start, classes all day, then our commencement party that night... loads of fun and Robin even won a HUGE prize there worth over $100! Whhoo whoo! We then went for a walk and saw some sights INCLUDING the Salt Lake City Childrens Choir (practicing outside) and they honored us with a "warm up" and it was amazing (a true highlight of the trip!!) After that we did yummy Sourdough Pizza then back to our rooms to clean up and pack stuff. We headed home on Sunday but spent a couple hours in Layton shopping some more (clothes this time! :O) and then came home. GREAT TIME but a long few days...so happy to be home! Posting pictures of all the oodles and oodles of product we got, most of it free. Just a scrapbookers true dream ... if you have the chance to attend a CKU anywhere....DO IT! So totally awesome! Like a giant womens slumber party!!!!!!!!!
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Monday, May 15, 2006
One Day to Go!
OK I am giddy, I am tired, I am a bundle of emotions! I can't wait to hit the road on Wed a.m. and head out to CKU to spend some time with the girls, play and relax!! However, there is still so much to be done I am getting plum worn out. I need to sit down, make a list, prioritize and then go forward. SO MUCH TO DO!
OK that said, all is well, kids are definatly in Spring Fever mode with our lovely warm 80 degree weather and sunshine all day. Lil' Micheal bug is an allergy nightmare with the gunk in the air... had to start him on breathing treatments tonight. Hope that is not a pain in Ed's side while I am gone. I don't know how much Ed is enjoying his "vacation" time off (HA!) from work since he keeps getting calls. Poor guy. Hope he can have some R&R with the kids... I know Micheal is tickled pink to have Daddy home with him!!
Also on a happy note, a piano is coming our way this week! Our roomie Liz purchased one for herself and it will be a nice addition to the house. Very fun thing to see coming!!
OK off to dishes and toilee' scrubs! If I dont' make it back before D-day... wish me luck!
Until then :O) smiles :O)
OK that said, all is well, kids are definatly in Spring Fever mode with our lovely warm 80 degree weather and sunshine all day. Lil' Micheal bug is an allergy nightmare with the gunk in the air... had to start him on breathing treatments tonight. Hope that is not a pain in Ed's side while I am gone. I don't know how much Ed is enjoying his "vacation" time off (HA!) from work since he keeps getting calls. Poor guy. Hope he can have some R&R with the kids... I know Micheal is tickled pink to have Daddy home with him!!
Also on a happy note, a piano is coming our way this week! Our roomie Liz purchased one for herself and it will be a nice addition to the house. Very fun thing to see coming!!
OK off to dishes and toilee' scrubs! If I dont' make it back before D-day... wish me luck!
Until then :O) smiles :O)
Friday, May 12, 2006
Thank GOODNESS it's Friday? Maybe?
Having another run of crazy days ahead of me, not sure I am ready or prepared for any of it, but here it comes! These crazy jamn packed days are SO not my icing on the cake! LOL I like a bit of running, but not marathons!
Today, Friday, I have been pretty slow, but tonight will be mahem getting the final stuff ready to do our big yard sale on Saturday. Sat is pretty much taken up with that activity. Sunday is of course Church and let us not forget Mother's Day... also going to be my hustle around and get things caught up day! Mon and Tues I will spend with my sister helping her with some things in her new home and also getting my house and family prepped for me to be gone. Wed a.m. I will be OFF for a fun adventure at CKU Provo (scrapbooking event) and won't be back until the next Sunday! Then it is the kids last week of school and then the SOCCER Crazies come back again to invade us for State Soccer tournie! We'll see if I make it.
Having another run of crazy days ahead of me, not sure I am ready or prepared for any of it, but here it comes! These crazy jamn packed days are SO not my icing on the cake! LOL I like a bit of running, but not marathons!
Today, Friday, I have been pretty slow, but tonight will be mahem getting the final stuff ready to do our big yard sale on Saturday. Sat is pretty much taken up with that activity. Sunday is of course Church and let us not forget Mother's Day... also going to be my hustle around and get things caught up day! Mon and Tues I will spend with my sister helping her with some things in her new home and also getting my house and family prepped for me to be gone. Wed a.m. I will be OFF for a fun adventure at CKU Provo (scrapbooking event) and won't be back until the next Sunday! Then it is the kids last week of school and then the SOCCER Crazies come back again to invade us for State Soccer tournie! We'll see if I make it.
Thursday, May 11, 2006

Oh wow! This is sure a fun one Kath...thanks! LOL Well, here I am in 1987, just one dance I went to but this was the most formal of them all. This boy, and he was a boy, was a friend of mine's little brother...the cutest little curly haired kid! His date cancelled at the VERY last minute and my friend BEGGED me to go with him...he was so cute and sweet how could I say no? My sister and her friend and my cousin literally THREW me together for this dance, hair, makeup, flowers...all done within a matter of a couple hours time. I will admit, it was not the funnest dance (it was at our RIVAL High School) but the boy was so so sweet and kind. I think we danced all of 2 or 3 dances, did pictures and then went and watched movies at my house! The big story was this dress... oh my gosh how I LOVED this dress! I had bought it with my Mom's help the year before for a Sweetheart dance but then didn't end up wearing it because my date refused to wear a PINK tie and band!!! GUYS! Anyway, the dress was just gorgeeemous and at the tune of nearly $200 (WAY back then) I had to get SOME good use of it! hee hee
Darla 1987 Homecoming Dance
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
A New Layout Last Night!

This is a fun Layout I did last night of myself and my dd Tiffany. Robin did this really neat photo shoot with us earlier this spring and these 'sillies' were amongst my personal favorites! I had to scrapbook them simply because they show the real deal... no one smiles perfect, nobody's hair is always perfect. Tiff and I have a special relationship and I think the photos tell the story well. The pp is Daisy D's, the stickers are the new Bazzill Chip Toppers, the leather frame is MM, the flower is Prima and the hearts are QK shapes. Pretty simple LO but a fun one! Enjoy!
Monday, May 08, 2006
SOCCER MOM 101 : Lessons from Hell
FIrst and foremost... Soccer Mom's ROCK!
Secondly... I will never ever ever ever EVER be a Soccer Mom. Why? Here are just a few lessons I learned this weekend.
1. WIND is a Soccer Family nightmare. Cold. Dirt in eyes. Cheering can't be heard. Wind burned skin is worse than sun burned skin. Wind is not a good thing.
2. FOOD is a dangerous thing. Teenage Soccer boys who are hot, tired, hungry... they give no warning when food is produced in thier presence. Set the food out and RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. SUN is a good soccer thing. SUNSCREEN is a better Soccer thing. Enough said. (refence #1)
4. Ref's are allowed to be opinionated but parents, coaches and spectators are not. Sit down, shut up, watch the game and if your boy gets creamed, bite your lip. No sympathies. No comments.
5. BLUE AND YELLOW ROCKS! Our boys Soccer team colors.
6. Soccer Mom's are supposed to be alarm clocks, nurses, cheerleaders, cooks, taxi drivers, laundrymat workers, amongst other things. Just like real mom's... but x 14 or so Soccer boys.
7. Sleep is rare for a Soccer weekend. Totally worn out, totally hyped up, doesn't work. Make lots n lots of coffee for parents and bring lots and lots and LOTS of bottled water for Soccer boys.
8. Soccer boys play better when they get MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a good thing? guess so!)
9. Soccer boys shower A LOT and use A LOT of towels. Good thing this house has 3 bathrooms?
10. I love having the crew all here. Dirty towels, my laundry room looking like a locker room, empty fridge, all night giggles, cheering, sunburns, all of it... SOCCER WEEKEND ROCKED!
(Did I mention our team took 1st Place in thier age division for the whole tournement!!?? GO RAPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Secondly... I will never ever ever ever EVER be a Soccer Mom. Why? Here are just a few lessons I learned this weekend.
1. WIND is a Soccer Family nightmare. Cold. Dirt in eyes. Cheering can't be heard. Wind burned skin is worse than sun burned skin. Wind is not a good thing.
2. FOOD is a dangerous thing. Teenage Soccer boys who are hot, tired, hungry... they give no warning when food is produced in thier presence. Set the food out and RUN FOR YOUR LIVES!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. SUN is a good soccer thing. SUNSCREEN is a better Soccer thing. Enough said. (refence #1)
4. Ref's are allowed to be opinionated but parents, coaches and spectators are not. Sit down, shut up, watch the game and if your boy gets creamed, bite your lip. No sympathies. No comments.
5. BLUE AND YELLOW ROCKS! Our boys Soccer team colors.
6. Soccer Mom's are supposed to be alarm clocks, nurses, cheerleaders, cooks, taxi drivers, laundrymat workers, amongst other things. Just like real mom's... but x 14 or so Soccer boys.
7. Sleep is rare for a Soccer weekend. Totally worn out, totally hyped up, doesn't work. Make lots n lots of coffee for parents and bring lots and lots and LOTS of bottled water for Soccer boys.
8. Soccer boys play better when they get MAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (a good thing? guess so!)
9. Soccer boys shower A LOT and use A LOT of towels. Good thing this house has 3 bathrooms?
10. I love having the crew all here. Dirty towels, my laundry room looking like a locker room, empty fridge, all night giggles, cheering, sunburns, all of it... SOCCER WEEKEND ROCKED!
(Did I mention our team took 1st Place in thier age division for the whole tournement!!?? GO RAPIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
Friday, May 05, 2006
Dahhhh dahhhh dahhhh Dummmmmmmmmm!
Let the CHAOS commence! In just a few hours my home and family will be overblown by a groupie of soccer playing teenage boys and thier maniac parents (SOCCER MOM's, that means YOU). My weekend will be full of not enough hot water, not enough toilets and showers, not enough blankets and not enough peace and quiet! LOL Seriously though, should be fun and I know that everyone of the boys will be ultra-polite and courtious and respectful of my home. It will be a blast! So, if I am MIA you know where I'll be!! Until next time, Darla
Monday, May 01, 2006
Tagged again... Shar is to blame this time! :O)
OK OK OK here goes, thanks Shar, I have to actually THINK about these answers! Darla
Name 5 Things That:
Make You Smile
1 My flowers in bloom outside
2 Seeing my dh pull up in the driveway each evening
3 Watching my boys play together (14 and 5 yrs old)
4 Playing basketball outside with my kids
5 Being able to run to my sisters new house in 5 min or less
You Can See on Your Desk Right Now
1 Tall glass of water with a straw
2 Basket full of craft paints
3 Daughters eye glitter
4 Stacks of cardstock and bazzill
5 All my ribbon and flowers for scrapbooking
Kept You Busy Over the Weekend
1 Helping my sister move to her new house
2 Finding my kitchen after 2 days of neglect
3 Working in the veggie garden clearing debree
4 Running kids to activities
5 Megga huge overspending grocery shopping trip
Regular Stuff You Will Do this Week
1 Clean house Mon, Wed and Fri
2 Drive ds to and from school everyday
3 Keep working on my yardwork, flowers, etc
4 Laundry laundry laundry
5 Watch Survivor and American Idol
You Said to Make Someone SMILE
1 Sang with the radio and made ds smile and laugh
2 Tickled my baby ds and we both smiled
3 Told my dd that her idea for a project was a good one
4 Teased my sister about her EMERALD green carpet in the bedroom
5 Told the kids we could have ice cream after dinner
GREAT TAG... now I tag ROBIN!
Name 5 Things That:
Make You Smile
1 My flowers in bloom outside
2 Seeing my dh pull up in the driveway each evening
3 Watching my boys play together (14 and 5 yrs old)
4 Playing basketball outside with my kids
5 Being able to run to my sisters new house in 5 min or less
You Can See on Your Desk Right Now
1 Tall glass of water with a straw
2 Basket full of craft paints
3 Daughters eye glitter
4 Stacks of cardstock and bazzill
5 All my ribbon and flowers for scrapbooking
Kept You Busy Over the Weekend
1 Helping my sister move to her new house
2 Finding my kitchen after 2 days of neglect
3 Working in the veggie garden clearing debree
4 Running kids to activities
5 Megga huge overspending grocery shopping trip
Regular Stuff You Will Do this Week
1 Clean house Mon, Wed and Fri
2 Drive ds to and from school everyday
3 Keep working on my yardwork, flowers, etc
4 Laundry laundry laundry
5 Watch Survivor and American Idol
You Said to Make Someone SMILE
1 Sang with the radio and made ds smile and laugh
2 Tickled my baby ds and we both smiled
3 Told my dd that her idea for a project was a good one
4 Teased my sister about her EMERALD green carpet in the bedroom
5 Told the kids we could have ice cream after dinner
GREAT TAG... now I tag ROBIN!
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