Thursday, October 16, 2008

Miss you Dad!

This is becoming a rough time of year - guess it all just sort of hit me this morning. Mom's birthday would have been last month, Dad's birthday woudl be this month and this is also the day that we lost Dad 12 years ago - you'd think after all that time things would get easier but you never miss them any less, just have more and more fond memories that surface. :O) So, here is to Dad today - thinkin' of him and missin' him more that he could ever know! XOXO


Photos are of Mom and Dad with my nephew Ted (he is in red overalls) and with my daughter Dani as a newborn... both taken over in Boise wayyyy back when!


Anonymous said...

Oh mommy!

Anonymous said...

I know I have just made a comment but I just can't stop reading! This is very sad about your father! Keep on posting

:Jayne said...

Hey girl.
I buried my dad this week, 16 years ago. Nothing replaces your dad.


Anonymous said...

I am sad with you! My grandfather died around that time! I miss him so much! He is my angel!