Tuesday, July 17, 2007

And it is Tuesday already?

Wow, this week is cruising along, it'll be Friday before I know it! Guess that isn't really a *bad* thing though, is it? LOL

Busy day here, getting housework done, laundry caught up, watering the lawn and stuff. Just enjoyed a super yummy spinach salad with veggies for lunch, I love spinach, cold, fresh, in a can, however, yummmm I love it! Making awesome food choices today, (and yesterday) and feeling the groove of my 6 week makeover. Had another good workout this a.m. despite some rotten teens at the gym. Grrr. I am feeling the gut busting ab moves I have started doing, guess that is good so that I at least know they are working?? Crazy stuff. I am anxious to start next weeks challenges/workouts and step things up, and I am only 2 days into week one! That is what I call energized baby!

OK laundry calls. Ahhh the joys of Motherhood - right? Blessings to you today and the rest of the week!

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