Saturday, November 01, 2008

I AM Still Around...

Hi everyone, just wanted to let you know I *AM* still around, just been busy. I started to actually "work" this week and have been busy busy. I am working day shifts so far, 7a.m. to 3p.m. then just trying to keep up with kids and home in the down time! LOL
We had a great Halloween, the kids had a blast, Micheal was a Vampire, Tiff wore pj's and Dani put together her own crazy but awesome girlie pirate outfit - plus Chris put on his super scary face mask and gloves from last year, along with a work apron and went around scaring the begeebers out of everyone! Yikes! Our decor at the house was superior once again - Ed and Chris outdid themselves including a be-headed monster with blood pumping from it's neck and ghosts and ghouls all over! The neighbor kids (and parents) LOVED it and it was awesome!
Tonight we have a dinner date with some co-workers of Ed's - they invited us over and that should be fun. Hey, I don't have to cook too!!!!
Work is good so far, loving the job as I am learning gobs everyday - plus the other employees are super nice too. I think I'll really love being there!
Workouts have been bad. I have not been running in a few days, need to get right on that! I also missed tracking my foods yesterday which stinks - today I am on plan though so that is good!
Tommorrow I am going for a good long long long walk/run and going to try to do some Pilates again too - I really enjoyed doing those and felt them doing "the job" they are intended for! (aka - my tummy was SORE!!)
That is about it - for now.....I'll try to be more consistant with posts so bear with me!
Have a good one! HAPPY NOVEMBER!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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