Wednesday, September 03, 2008

It was an early Birthday for Darla last night!!!!!!!!!!

I have all but been begging (hinting, whining, ok, begging) Ed for an IPod for my bday this month (the end of the month) and in his better judgement he chose THIS for me!!! LUCKY LUCKY ME!!! This is better, does video, pictures, music AND even radio!!

Darla :O) (I just KNOW this will help my running!When I finish my first marathon I'll be sure to give Ed all the credit!! LOL)


Wildflower said...

Bought one for my DH for Xmas last year and he LOVES's a pretty good little player. Throw some Beastie Boys and some AC/DC on there and jog on, girlfriend :0)

:Jayne said...

How cool! Happy Birthday.
