Well, sorry I have been offline most of the week. Just busy I guess. Didn't get on my own computer for a couple of days, snuck a peek in on dh's a few times but just now catching up on things. My apologies!
Not too much going on, just busy with kids and life. Trying to get my mind wrapped around some things right now... mostly health related. Feeling like the last month and a 1/2 have been a waste of my time as far as fitness/health and I am trying to figure out what I need to do to get in the right state of mind again. Fortunatly, through this 6 weeks of lazies my weight has not jumped too bad and I can see a few steps forward soon. So, help me stay motivated people - please!
I spent a good portion of time late last night going through my "plan" yet again. What it is I WANT to do and how I can do it. Keeping with better food choices, keeping myself moving and working out. I did some running (very minimal) last week and it felt SO good - not necessarily physically - but majorly boosted my esteem and mental focus. To know that I can actually run, even for a few minutes, is just unreal to me. I know... dorky, dumb, but when you come from where I have in the past year it is a HUGE step. So, I think that in changing things up I am definatly going to be pushing myself a bit on the running part - I think that might be the challenge I am needing to get through this phase of my weight loss.
Positive reinforcements. Crazy enough... even though I have been slacking off, I think that now that I am starting to really recover from my surgery and am getting my color back and energy back... and just feeling better overall, it must be showing??? I have gotten several compliments in the past few days that have just made me BEAM with happiness. Not bragging, or anything like that, but just saying that some words of encouragement and some recognition for LOOKING good....well, for me that goes a long ways. We went out last night with friends for a "date" night and I got a couple of compliments that really made me feel great. When I got home, I actually stopped and looked at myself in the full length mirror and thought to myself that I really did look pretty good. Hard to take compliments, even harder to compliment yourself..... you know?
So, I am wrapping up all this good "STUFF" and using it towards my path ahead. I hope that someone out there reading this will find some inspiration and that the things I have learned can help you too. If this crazy girl can do the things I have done this past year, then you can too! Walking 3+ miles, dancing in public, swimming, 4 wheeling, day hiking... amazing where I was one year ago to now. And this is just the beginning! :O)
Have a GREAT Sunday and new week ahead!!!!!!
OOPS! And I almost forgot!
I have been tagged!!
By Robin http://heartfelt.typepad.com/my_weblog/
1) Link to the "tagger" & post the rules.
2) Share 7 facts about yourself- random / weird facts.
3) Tag 7 people & link to them.
4) Leave comments on their blogs, so they know they've been tagged.
So, if I tag you.....follow those rules!!!!!
Robin's Blog is Here: http://heartfelt.typepad.com/my_weblog/
1. I am the baby of 12 kids but only have 2 full sisters.
2. I failed pre-algebra twice in Jr High/HS.
3. I love to shovel snow in a tshirt and no coat.
4. I love to eat spinach - fresh, cooked, cold, out of a can- all of it.
5. I have never been on the eastern 1/2 of the US and my "dream" vacation is to Vermont in the fall.
6. I secretly love the kids Disney tv shows (ie: Raven, Hannah Montana, etc)
7. I love to crank up the radio in my minivan and jam out, even if I look like a megga dork.
Hmm who do I tag next?
Linda, Dolly, Cindy, Cynthia, and I can't think of anyone else??
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