So I realized today that I have been doing
THIS blog for several years now. Like 4 years
plus actually! So cool to be able to look back
at what has been going on... So, just cuz' I can
do it, I am going to share the past 4 years
worth of blog entries (on or about this same
date each year)Enjoy! :O) Darla
Let It Snow - Let It Snow... oh the weather outside is frightful, but the FIRE is so delightful, since I have no car to goooooooooooooo...let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!
THE SNOW HAS ARRIVED! I have such a love/hate relationship with winter. I hate the HOT HEAT of summer and it makes me literally sick, so you'd THINK I would love winter and the cool days. However, I don't like to be too cold either! Tsk tsk fickle aren't I? Well, snow is grand, and pretty and oh so season inspiring, but it is also a pain in the rumpus to SHOVEL and keep from freezing to the steps! MORE than once I have fallen victim to our not foot friendly front steps, even in the summer! LOL Winter is bad on Darla's back :O(
I am in the beginning planning stages of our Christmas lists and gifts and things. Nothing like waiting till' the last minute egh? Well, it should get me in the spirit quick so I guess there is some good that comes from procrastinating? Right?
Well, I guess I can non prematurely say HAPPY HOLIDAYS now to you my friends! May you have many wonderful memories and happy times to remember and share! Darla
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2006It's the hap- hap- hapiest time of the year....
Oh, that should read the buz- buz- busiest time of the year.... Happy Holidays!!! I can "officially" say that now, right? Thanksgiving is over and CHRISTMAS is next, then a whole NEW YEAR too! WOW!
Well, things around here are MORE than crazy these days. Just tons going on, kids activities, preparing for the Holidays, and more. Today I have a 4:00pm Dr appt, Parent Teacher Conferences for the kids and a7:00pm meeting for Church. Crazies! Upcoming week will be just as crazed as we need to get out and put all the Holiday decorations, prepare for dh's surgery next week, we also have a Church family party and clean house and prep for a big family get together in 10 days and so much more. Cooking and baking, card making, shopping, gift wrapping.... Just the normal hustle and bustle of the Holidays I guess?
One thing I did want to share is our newfound love of the old cardgame UNO! A couple weeks ago the kids friends brought it over to play, our youngest ds Micheal always gets left out bc he can't play the games.......he totally picked RIGHT up on this one and it has been non stop ever since! While SIL and her family were here over Thanksgiving they bought us our own deck of the cards and now Mr Micheal thinks we ALL need to play UNO with him 24/7 !! (oh and he also calls it "dos" as in uno, dos, tres... LOL) So, I included a photo of the kids all playing UNO over the Thanksgiving Holiday too. FUN times. So glad we have family to share the holidays with and make memories with. How blessed we are.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 2007Crazy sort of Thursday here....
Well, let me tell you, I am no longer a "night owl". Last night my friend Lisa and I went out to hit the big 50% off sale at Khol's (midnight shopping, gotta love it!) and after being up since 4:45 a.m. I was getting a little punchy come 11:00pm. I had a time getting to sleep and although I slept HARD through the night, I am still tired. I allowed myself this morning "off" from the gym and slept in, but still feel like I am dragging.
Had a Dr appt this morning too - some oddball stuff and also my test results from my thyroid bloodwork I had done this week. VERY weird stuff I tell ya, I don't know what is going on, but my levels were all wonky again and so he decided to up my meds and then we'll recheck in a few weeks. TSH (thyroid stimulating horomone) is way high again and we are not sure why, and the T4 is off too. They were coming under control and now they have gone whack-o. *ugh* I told the Dr I was finally starting to feel normal again, whatever that is, but he just said this is a fine art trying to get things leveled out and regulated and to be patient. OK. Like I have a choice?
Weather is still being weird too - just cold. No snow. No winds. Just cold. So odd for Idaho this time of year... not that I am dying to drive on icy roads or anything but a little snow is always festive and fun ya know?! I am dying to go take sleds out behing the 4wheelers again like we did up at the cabin. LOL It was SO stinkin' much fun! (photo is of Lisa (all in black) and Blake (in brown) on the sleds, even the adults took rides!!! but no one got pix of me, however, I DID do it, TWICE, it was so fun!) So, yes, I am wishing for a "little" bit of snow, not a blizzard please!
That's about it for me. Got kids here needing attention and laundry that never waits too... Parent teacher conferneces tonight (student led, HATE that) and Survivor and ER on tv this evening as well as taco's for dinner. Should be a good one!
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 30, 2008Wer'e Home!!!!
Hey all - we finally made it home from Island Park and our Thanksgiving getaway with the VERY BESTESTEST FRIENDS IN THE WHOLE WORLD, the Browns - it was awesome fun and lots of great memories! My camera was LESS than cooperative but I did manage to get a few shots taken to share. Right now however, I am wiped out tired and going to bed! (me and my whining sore tailbone that is...) So for now, you just get these two wee wittle glimpses of fun... the kids adoreable crazy lil' snow buddy and ME in the car on the way home! (I know, what a ham and oh! don't I look lovely after a day of hot tubbing, playing, cleaning, no shower and loading up to go home? HA!)
Toodles! And Happy LATE Thanksgiving to all!!!!
PS I promise to share more photos tommorrow! PROMISE!