Wednesday, February 13, 2008

STILL sick

OK so we officially have "the flu" aka: influenza. the real deal. I don't know that I have ever had the real flu before? All I know is it is the pits! Chris is home sick with me (all week now) and neither of us seem to be making much improvement. I finally went to the Dr on Tuesday and got some meds for the two of us and hope they kick in soon. The cough syrup with codeine is a good thing, that is for sure, aside from the fact that I now want to sleep 22 hrs a day! I hope to be feeling better by tommorrow - we plan to go to my family party this weekend and I cannot go feeling like this! :O(
So, obviously no running or workouts to report, unless waddling from the bed to the livingroom couch counts? And my foods - um, out the window this week. I figure I'll eat what I can to gain some strengh and if WW says it is 2 points or 12 I really could care less right now. LOL
OK off to cough - later - oh, and stay well people!!

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