Friday, August 31, 2007


I have always laughed at the term "TGIF" because for some reason I see it as reading something about tiggers or tigers? I dunno why, but I do. LOL Anyway, I am VERY thankful it is Friday today and looking forward to the long holiday weekend! Yeahh!

Today was a bust. LOL Did nothing... well, ran errands and got stuff done but really felt like I did nothing. All is well though. Just getting things geared up to go to the cabin this weekend. Have some SERIOUSLY serious housework to do tonight and tommorrow then we'll head out to Island Park. We will be WORKING this weekend for a change however! Blake and Lisa have a sort of deadline on finishing the remodel and have lots of little finishing touches to be done (paint trim, fixtures, clean up and stuff) so we were asked to come help, which is fine, because even work is fun up there! Of course we'll squeeze in some 4-wheelin' time too!! Wheee! We finally got a trailer and Liz bought a 2nd rig so we have 2 to take up, that will be a lot of fun.

When we get home from the cabin on Monday night I'll post some pix and stuff. Then next week will be a CRAZY mad dash to get things deep cleaned around here, including some much needed yardwork! I go in Friday for my surgery and Ed's folks will be here that weekend. I need to have everything organized and in order before that so I am sure next week will be insane. Thankfully I have tons of help for after the surgery and while I recover at home. So lucky.

I do have some new pix to share but I have not downloaded them off the camera card yet so maybe I'll have time tommorrow before we leave. I'll try, that's all I can promise.

OK off and running *again*.
Have a GREAT weekend!

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