Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Another LO and Uplifting Night

Kindergarden Boy.....

This LO is one I did at the crop last Fri night, love how it came out. Pretty simple really, but fun colors and stuff. The large photo on the bottom is actually a photo "pocket" so I can put his little first day of school memorbilia in there .... so fun! Also had fun putting the cute little safety pins in there too!!

So tonight was a fun one. My sister goes to a Baptist Church here in town, they are so good to her, and I am thankful for that. Even though we are totally different/opposite religions we both can deal with the differences. So, her Pastors wife called me this last week and invited me to a "love" party for her. OK let me explain. LOL My sister has been through a rough year, lots of ups and downs, so they decided she needed to be lifted up a bit. They called it her "happy nursing" party as she graduated to her RN Nursing degree last year and she never really celebrated it. She also just had a birthday and again, with all the crazies in her life she just needed some uplifting. The party was fun, it was a Bible Study group and then we did the party........really enjoyed it all. VERY nice gals. So thankful she has such good loving women in her life.

Workouts are still going great. Have been getting up at 5 a.m. and going to the YMCA... like getting it done early and feeling accomplished by 6:30 a.m.!! Also has kick started my mornings for chores and things.....so cool. Building up my endurance and stamina, feels awesome but still have A LONG way to go!! LONG LONG LONG way to go. My good friend Lisa will be sending me a cool goal sheet "From couch to 5K in 9 weeks" and I hope that will encourage me too.

Guess that is about it. OH, we did get a COOL treat last night........dh found an awesome deal on Wolfgang Puck pots and pans at Sam's Club.... we went ahead and picked them up, so so so nice to have good pans!!

:O) Keep Smiling!

1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

I love the lo Darla. The one of you DH is also awesome. You KNOW I'm a fan of your work bigtime!! I also want to say how impressed I am with your weightloss. You are doing a wonderful job! Keep up the good work.