Wednesday, September 13, 2006


Be WHO you ARE
and SAY what you FEEL
because those who mind DON'T matter
and those who MATTER won't mind.

I don't remember where I found this quote....but I loved it and I love to read it over and over. It says so very much about how we are as people, always looking for acceptanct and approval of others........ who are we trying to impress? Are they important to you? In your life? Most often they aren't.......but you ARE important and your self esteem is key, don't let anyone beat you down, ever. A few weeks ago I did the above layout for a contest online. I was sorely sorely dissapointed that I didn't even make the first "cut". I was devastated and hurt and dissapointed and mad. But what it boiled down to was that I was trying to fit in with a 'crowd' that was not my own style, my own type. Amazing that I did this to myself. WHY? To fit in. And do those people MATTER to me? no. not in the least. Lesson well taken.


Aimee said...

love that layout! what did you use to write on the pciture? i sooo have to try that

JulesinParadise said...

I think that layout rocks! While it may not have been your usual style, you executed it very well...I love all the ribbons and the title and the writing on the picutre...this is a winner in my humble opinion.

Cindy Marchant said...

I love that saying, too, Darla. I love that Layout as well. Who knows what the heck the "professionals" are looking for. You are so talented Darla and your time will come. I know it will.