Sunday, April 30, 2006

Crazy Week Ahead...

Actually, the next THREE, yes 3, weeks ahead will be up in the air, crazy, busy, nuts, out of the norm and out of control I am sure! I have so much to do, so many things planned, I just keep making lists and schedules and calendars, I suppose I will make it through? Just to give you all an idea:

7 Visitors coming to stay IN our home for a soccer tourney weekend (teenage boys!)
Planning a huge weekend yardsale with moving goodies from not one, two, but THREE homes
Getting geared up to go to CKU
Getting kids settled down into the last few weeks of school before summer vacation
Primping the yard to be a beautiful oasis of lush green and floral for our enjoyment
Clearing and planning to plant a small veggie garden
Cleaning house like a mad woman and decluttering as I go, you get the picture? Me, running around in holey ol' jeans with hair piled up on my head, dripping with sweat, cleaning, gathering, preparing. I think I need one of those big white aprons like "Ma" from Little House on the Praire had?? hee hee!

That said, if you don't see much of me over the next few days, or weeks, don't fret, I am here, just working my tooshie off getting reading for chaos to arrive. Loves, Darla

1 comment:

Mae said...

Poor Darla! You DO need to slow down...I think I have told you this before!

Mae : )