Friday, July 28, 2006

Let It Go...

Feeling a bit insightful this morning... got up and did the morning drive to take my son to work. It is a long drive, but gives me time to think, to talk to myself, listen to my head. LOL We need to do that don't we? Well, all the while I was listening to one of my fave fave favorite musicians on CD, Michael McLean. His music touches my heart in so many ways. Most of his songs have great meaning to me. Love his music and lyrics!! (He is SO in touch with his feminine side, he has to be!) Anyway, listening to songs, driving along, talking to my head, listening to the words of a song "Let It Go"..... I think this is something we all can learn from.... a bit of lyrics here:

"....all that is wrong in your life, let it go, all that is worth love --
love will hold you tight. Love lifts the burden, and love shines the light,
Only love, nourshes us so; if it's not love, simply let it go......"

You know, we go through life, thinking everything has to be FAIR. We are taught by our parents to be FAIR to our siblings and we are taught in school to be FAIR to our classmates and friends. We go into the workforce and things must be FAIR amongst co-workers. FAIR is not always RIGHT and honestly, sometimes, we just need to let things go. Choose our battles? Whatever you want to call it, just pick something today, something that has been nagging at you, maybe you are mad at a neighbor or you got screwed on your taxes or your car broke down. Yea, sometimes things stink, they aren't FAIR but... is it worth holding on to the anger and frustration?? Is it filling your heart with love, and good feelings? If it is not, let it go. I have a lot to let go of right now.... I think we all do. So, today, and all this weekend I am going to pick one thing each day and say goodbye to it, get the burden off my shoulders, take the heavy weight off my heart.

LET IT GO. Blessings to my friends, Darla

1 comment:

:Jayne said...

What great advice! I needed to hear this, you are so right. Thanks, this is something I may have to print and reread, ALOT!
