Thursday, February 03, 2011

A year ago today

I was reviewing where I was a year ago today.
I was posting about going to a BODY BLAST class
at the Church - never went. I remember being terrified
to go bc I had heard that the instructor had made people
LITERALLY barf while working out (our own Jillian?) so
I really was scared but willing to try. Hmm, why??
Well, turned out she was sick herself and we xl'd the class.
Wish I'd tried it another time but I never did.
Now she is teaching Zumba dance classes at the elementary
school on Wed nights - my daughters want to go BAD but it
scares me. Worse than barfing? Maybe the idea of shaking my
boote' in any sort of dancing motion in front of 100 ladies
who are all much thinner than me scares me to death?

I dont' know?
We'll see.
I might still go sometime.
Dani made me do a couple of short YouTube versions of
the Zumba dancing in our livingroom - KILLED my knees
and my thighs WERE burning so that might say something??

In the meantime...I will stay more in my "comfort zone" here...

I am working on my run times at the gym. Started out yesterday
on 2 min walk/run intervals - slow and steady. My fastest mile with
that was 18 and half minutes. This morning I upped myself to 2 min
walk/ 3 min run intervals... got that mile down to 17 min and 15 seconds!~
Small progress! LOL Also working on some strength training too and my
friend Kathi SWORE to me that if I work on the leg press machine every day
that my flubber boote' will slim down. I am tkaing her word for it! She has
lost 85 lbs!!!!! I focus more on my belly but anything off the hiney is not
bad either! RIGHT?? No more men dedicating "I like big butts" to Darla again! LOL
(Not that it has ever happened but ya, one of those crazy internal fears I guess?)

So, I hope to get my early morning routine back in order for workouts. I hope to
be up to a full mile on the treadmill by this weekend. I hope that I can get back
down to a reasonable weight soon. I hope I hope I hope. I will do it. I will.

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