Thursday, December 04, 2008

Finally, I present : "Snow Play" Thanksgiving 2008 Island Park

I know, I've been slow... but, hey, there are
a LOT of photos here to share.
So, without further ado, here are "some"
of the photos of our snow play, atv rides, sledding
and so forth at the cabin from last weekend's
adventures over Thanksgiving in Island Park.
PS I had a HUGE weigh in day yesterday (Wed) with a total loss of 4 lbs and 4 oz for the last week! WHO says you don't/can't lose weight over Thanksgiving Holiday???????
Oh yeah baby!!

Photos Top to Bottom:
Ed and Micheal ready to go on a ride
Abbi and Lauren, is this safe
Blake and Sofia rockin' to go
Blake and Sofie, Lauren and Abbi all set on ATV's
Bodhi doggie LOVIN' the snow
Sofia and Abbi headin' out again
Tiff and Berg demolishing the snowman
Berg, Tiff and Micheal, mischievious who me?
Berg and Micheal, my lil' buddies
Ed on the Honda ready to pull sleds again (what a trooper)
THE Chevy vs. THE Ford - hmmmmmmm?
Snowman full on and close up
Brick snowfort wall Darla built with the little boys
Darla, Ed and Dani heading out on a night ride in the snow
Blake and Bodhi doggie goin' for a cruise (I stole this photo from Lisa! Thanks!)
Abbi ready for a ride
Blake in the snow storm we got Sat
Berg on his lil' ATV
Lauren and Sofia ready to go ridin'
Chris and Tiff goin' for a day ride
Darla, Blake and Lisa "after" the snow play(see our wet backsides?)
Sofia pulling Berg on the sled
Lisa standing in the snow storm (it came down for hours- it was beautiful!)
Darla making snowballs for the little boys
Ed on his Honda waiting for the sleds to be hooked up
Blake's trailer loaded with their families ATV's
Micheal, Berg and Bodhi dog playing by the frozen creek

1 comment:

Cindy Marchant said...

WOW, you did have a great time! No wonder you were bummed when it came time to go home!