Monday, January 31, 2011

Cold - Tired - Living in Black and White

I am so tired of the cold, ice, snow and wind. I am ready for spring.
I am tired. Period, just tired. I need to ramp up my energy - get out there and run and workout. Emotionally exhausted but just tired.
I feel like I am living in black and white right now. Black thoughts, deep, dreary thoughts. White days. Going through the motions, doing what "I am supposed to do" and being a good person. Living in black and white is not what I want to be doing, it is not who I am.
I want to be happy and warm and in color. I want to feel vibrant and bold and speak out. I want to be honest with myself. I need to figure out "who" I am right now.
No more cold
no more tired
no more black and white.

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