Wednesday, November 02, 2005

The GOOD The BAD and The STRESSFULL.. another day in my life!

Well, I can honestly say I "KNOW" the true meaning of stress now. After all that has been going on in my 'personal' life with friends and family and then today the new minivan goes ca-poot! Is STRESS a 4 letter word? If not, it SHOULD be! LOL Honestly though, I really don't have much to complain about and I am trying desperatly to be very optimistic and joyful! I have a wonderful family who supports and loves me and takes such good care of me. I have a nice home and multiple cars to drive (thank GOD!) and a hunky chunky room full of scrapping supplies! What more could a girl want? :O) Things really are not all that bad. I just need to look for the roses amongst the thorns a little more sometimes. I am very thankful for all the 'bounty' I have and I can honestly say I am happy and content with my SAHM job. I love taking care of the house and the kids and dh, each time I can do a little 'extra' around here truly gives me a bit of joy. I am what I always said I wanted to be ... a wife and a mom! Dream come true baby!!!!!!!!!

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