Thursday, April 15, 2010

a few things today

- I love this photo - I took it with my new camera after Christmas
and it was so cool - Robin helped me photoshop it and it is crisp
and cool and awesome. I want to learn more about my camera and how
to make things pop like this.

- I have been in a scrappy mood. Wanting to create and have all these
100's of ideas in my fat lil' head. Just need to create time to create.

- I have committed myself to working hard at my weight right now. I am
working out a lot - building up my running some more again. Focusing
on certain areas of my body and no so much on the numbers the scale says.

- LOVING the warmer weather. Sunshine is good for the soul!

- Finding new people in my life that love me for who I am and without
conditions. Feels good.

...and that is about it!

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