OK time to laugh - I need to laugh, even if it is at myself...
I have made it a self goal to walk/jog at least once a day, even if it's only for 15 min I am going out and getting it done. AM or PM around the block out the country roads or in the neighborhood. Just go.
This week has been one funny day after another on the trail.
One evening while out walking I came across a couple small boys out riding bikes, the older one nudging on the younger to jump and skid and go faster... recipe for disaster. They were maybe 10 and 7 yrs old? I watched as the younger one skidded out sideways and took the majority of the crash on his tooshie! Poor kid! He tried to go fast, jump and turn on a speed bump in the school parking lot and took it hard. I jogged over and asked if he was ok and the older boy had that 'uh oh I am in trouble' look! LOL After calming the little guy down and convicing him he was not going to bleed to death from the elbow (which was MINOR compared to his leg and hip) and reassuring myself he hadn't hit his head or face they promised me they could get home and clean up ok. Ahhh Dr Darla done good!
A bit later in my walk n jog I encountered a stray dog. UGH! He followed me a couple of blocks, mostly breathing heavy and grumbly growling. He was not agressive but he was nipping a little, I think he wanted to play but still I hate that. One guy in his yard asked if he was mine bc he should be on a leash???!!!! Uhhh no dude, he should be IN A YARD thank you. I keep my dogs inside and in the yard. Always! Makes me so angry.
OK that was one day!
The next day I went for a short n sweet evening walk with my youngest son Micheal. It was getting dark and he was 'scared' bc of a scary movie he heard about last week. LOL Dork! We cut through the JHS track field and the sprinklers caught us by suprize - nice - cooled us off and soaked us wet then we had to manuever the mud puddles from the sprinkers on the other side of the fields! LOL We made it home narely scratched but a little soggy!
So my jogging has been weak. VERY weak. Nearly nothing really. So this morning I had time to go for a longer walk/jog and as I went through the High School parking lot I see the xcountry track kids warming up and feel inspired to do a little run. I actually waited till' I was well past them to take off and about 15 feet into it I notice the cheerleaders are practicing on the school front lawn - I have my music going feet a pounding and my eyes NOT on the road. KEY point there. I was NOT watching where I was running and instead watching the cheerleaders and I tripped!!!! I swear to you I was bouncing back up before I even hit the ground! I fell so hard I jammed my toe and threw my earphones outta my ears LOL It was so humiliating - I seriously don't think my hands even hit the ground?! All I know is that I am/was so embarrased but it gets better!
So a while later, as I am 'recovering' with a little swagger in my walk I pass by a few more kids coming or going from xcountry track - one of my kids friends approaches me and asks if I am ok?! UGH! LOL Yes, I am ok, my esteem is BEATEN TO A PULP! Dang kids DID see me trip and fall! FREAK!!!!!! I chuckeled at my own expense and agreed that yes I was fine and walked away with drip sweating down my back and my face beet beet red from the heat, the workout and the embarrasment! O M Gosh!
I am contemplating an evening stroll tonight but thinking I might need to take a rubber suit and a camera cuz' you just never know!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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